Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time to Testify!

For those of you that follow Rachel’s Story, you know that I don’t usually post anything unless it is specific to Rachel. Today, I felt compelled to share something that has to do with Rachel, but not so much having to do with her health. My husband and I have been struggling with finances these last few months as many of you probably figured out. Satan kept whispering in my ear that God had all but given up on us in that area. My head and my heart knew better…look at all God had done for us! But still, the enemy was almost convincing at times. Last week seemed to be the worst for us. We were behind 2 mortgage payments & we were putting formula, food, etc. on credit cards. I can remember saying a few times that all I wanted to do was be able to feed my baby. Although tithing has never been a weakness for me, the enemy showed me time and again all the things we could do if we quit tithing. I now know in my heart that God was testing us. (Susanne, you played a role in helping me to see that…thank you!!!) Sunday we knocked the enemy in the eye and paid our tithes (Thank you Jesus for the strength). Tuesday I came home from work and was greeted by several cans of formula. God had provided my deepest need! (Thank you Sunday School class. You guys are the best!) As if that was not enough, Wednesday I was greeted with a much needed Medicaid card for Rachel! (We had been waiting over 3 months for that!) Then comes Thursday and we get our state refund check. Now we can pay our mortgage! Ain’t God good!!! He is ALWAYS faithful and His timing is perfect. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow! Thank you for praying for us!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Rachel off to Richland Again

We will be leaving Wed. night after church to take Rachel back to Richland. Pray for a safe trip and that all will go well. She will be having another PH probe done. This will determine if her Nissen (stomach wrapped around the esophagus) came undone and whether or not they will have to redo her surgery. Pray for a good report! We love you all!