Monday, March 3, 2008

Finally Home...Again!

Rachel had another week long stay at Chateau De La Hospital! Seriously, she made it back home yesterday afternoon and seems to be doing well. She had to have her G-button replaced with a G/J button. This allows milk to bypass her stomach and go directly into her small intestine. She was having some vomiting and a lot of retching (or gaging). This new button seems to be doing the trick though. The downside is that she is hooked to a feeding pump 24 hours a day. This is quite inconvenient for her daily commutes to daycare but it's a small price to pay! I have to stop and praise God for her daycare while I am at it. Ms. Babb and her staff are awesome! I praise God for leading me to that daycare. They take WONDERFUL care of her so I can work. We wouldn't have health insurance if God didn't bring us there and one thing's for sure...with Rachel we definitely need health insurance! I thank God for all He has done in Rachel's life. I praise Him for His faithfulness once again! People ask me how my husband and I cope with everything. I have to say that God's peace really does surpass my understanding. All I can say is "It's Jesus all the way!!!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How in the world did I miss that she was back in the hospital??? I love you guys and I am so sorry I didn't check on you...