Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rachel's Surgery Tomorrow

Rachel will be having surgery tomorrow (Thursday) to help her breathe easier. The doctor will be removing some excess tissue from her vocal cords as the tissue keeps falling into her airways making it harder to breathe. The doctor will also be moving a bone in her nose to help her breathe better. While I am not looking forward to whatever pain this will cause her I am excited about the possibility of her not having to work so hard to breathe! Please keep her in your prayers! God is good and faithful and I know He has her in His hands!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Dear Sweet Jesus,
I lift this precious little angel up to you right now. God I ask for steady hands and sharp minds as the doctors work on her. I ask for speedy healing, and pain-free recovery. I ask for peaceful hearts and quiet minds for her parents as they focus on you, and reflect on all that you have done for them. We give you ALL THE PRAISE and ALL THE GLORY in this!!! We love you, Jesus!!! - Amen.