"Hi everyone! I'm asking for a very special prayer request for the little guy in the green shirt you see here, being held by his dad, Rob. His name is Bayler Teal and he is 5 years old. He was diagnosed with a rare childrens' cancer called Neuroblastoma this week. He is a very sick little boy and the Teal family desperately needs our prayers!
When I heard this news Pete and I immediately called our church (Highland Park UMC) and had him placed on our prayer list. Our church secretary also sent out a mass email prayer request for him. I encourage each of you to add him to your church's prayer list as well as your own. We all know that prayer is a powerful thing! I can only imagine how terrified Rob and Risha are at this moment, so they need our support as well!
Rob's sister Brittany gave an update today with a little good news: After hours of testing they've determined that Bayler's cancer is not in his bones and spine as they first thought. Praise be to God!!---Our prayers are being heard already! Bayler will start chemo on Monday.
This is a picture of the Teal family: Rob, Bayler, Bridges, and Risha. I have known Rob and his family my entire life. (Benefit of growing up in a small town.) I will continue to send out updates on Bayler and I ask for your continuous prayers. Please pass this along to everyone on your email list. You can never have too many people praying!
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