Friday, September 28, 2007

Day Two - Tests and more Tests

On day two the doctors ran all sorts of tests on both Rachel and I. The told us that they would likely not find out the cause of the seizures and that was really the best option. They also said they were going to run a CT scan of her brain. They assured us that it was routine for all newborns with seizure activity. They also told us the worst possible scenario would be that they find something on the CT scan. Right away we started praying they would find nothing. Rachel had not been allowed to eat yet and I was so afraid she was going to starve. I inquired with the nurses in NICU about when she would be able to eat. "Maybe tomorrow" they replied. We sit and play the waiting game. Torture for a parent who can do nothing else for her child. Meanwhile Rachel is still having "episodes" and can get no rest. Both my husband and I plead with Jesus that he will have mercy on her and give her body some rest. Praise God! They tell us that they have sedated Rachel to give her the CT scan. When we went in look at her she looked so peaceful. She looked the best than she had since she was born. They also had her on seizure medication. Both drugs made her sleep and sleep...for days! I thank God for His awesome power and His love. He gave us so much support that day. People called and showed up from every direction praying for Rachel and us as well. We even had visitors we had never met before come in and pray for Rachel's healing! What an awesome God we serve!

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