Monday, October 15, 2007

Sick Baby

Baby Rachel had her MRI today. She should know the results at her next appointment in a couple of weeks. Please be in prayer for good news. In the mean time, Rachel seems to have gotten sick. She is very horse and it appears that her throat is hurting. This has really impacted her eating in the last day or two. If she gets worse over the night I will take her to the doctor to see if he can find the source of her ailment. Pray that she feels better soon so she can eat. It is so difficult to see her in pain and know there is nothing you can do about it. She had a good day or two of eating and then regressed to fighting again. It breaks my heart to know that "Momma's arms" are no longer a place of comfort for her. Instead, you can see the torment in her eyes each time I pick her up to feed her. I cannot imagine the fear she has every two hours as her mind registers what is to come. I know feeding is supposed to be a comforting experience; a time of bonding between mother and child. Instead it is a battle for us both. Pray that God would intervene and make that time what it ought to be for both of us. I think I am beginning to understand what a nurse must go through...knowing what they are about to do will hurt but knowing it must be done. Pray that Baby Rachel and I won't have to "fight" through feedings and that we can enjoy one another's company. Pray that she get well from whatever is ailing her little throat at the moment. Pray for stamina and continued faith for Rachel's parents. Pray that God's will be done in her life.

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