Friday, January 4, 2008

A Bump in the Road

Baby Rachel was doing well, praise to Jesus! She has hit a bump in the road. She has lost more weight. Monday she has to go back to the doctor for another weight check. If she has lost weight again, she will be admitted to an out-of-town hospital for a few days for testing to see what is going on inside her little belly. The next resort is surgery or a feeding tube inserted into her naval. Please pray that she gains weight and gets better! To God be ALL glory, honor & praise!


rita and andy said...

We are praying for you and your family. (We are friends of Jack and Beth and members of their small group.) In Christ,

Priscilla said...

Donna, I am on my way to bed right now after working last night and I will put her in my bedtime prayer. Please call me or email me with an update after you get back from the doctor!

Susanne said...

Hey girl,
Please let me know what the doc says ASAP. I have put her on my blog for prayer, and I will call and have her put on the prayer list at my Mom's church. I love you, and I am lifting y'all up to the Father...He is ALL we NEED!!